Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Valentines Day Love-In

14th February 2009 - Exeter - UK

"simpliCITY CirKus" is a street theatre group poking fun at consumerism, and celebrating Voluntary Simplicity.

This Valentines Day we had a Hugathon in Exeter's main shopping area.

Seven of us in the troupe set up a "hug zone", wore wigs and rouge, gave "hug tokens" to unsuspecting shoppers, and invited them to a valentines day hug. We reckon that we gave about 500 hugs over the lunchtime.

We had a good time. I think this was partly down to the fact that we were part of this change process towards a culture that is comfortable with the idea of trusting strangers and hugging them. And partly because this was a challenge to consumerism deep in the heart of the shopping area of Exeter.

The CirKus is planning others events. (Watch this space)

For more information, and some pictures of just a few of the 500 hugs click here ....